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Project Layers Theory

So many times I have come across this issue in project management, and it doesn’t matter which kind of organizational project it concerns. ICT projects, Health and Safety, Process Redesign, Finance Restructuring etc. It is the lack of focus regarding these layers I am going to explain in this article. If the correct amount of time isn't paid on these layers it can seriously jeopardize time, money and/or recourses of the project. 


The purpose of this article is trying to explain the need for attention for this layers in order to successfully close any project you are working on, no matter if it is for your business career or for personnel live. In this article I am not going to explain the typical setting for project management. Of course the goals should be well defined, as well as the time lines, the resources and the appointment of the capable project manager. For this theory I am revering to the basic project management course. But even if these are well defined and there is commitment from those involved for successfully completing a project these are always these layers to be paid close attention to.


The three layers are changes which need to be made during the project. They are revering to the levels strategic, tactic and operational levels. These layers I call the functional layer, process layer and behavior layer.


Functional Layer

With this layer I mean relatively easy and small changes to be made during a project, but don’t mistake as to ever so important in bringing a project towards its goal. Add another sign to the shop floor for safety, change a field in a periodic report which needs to be reprogrammed, prepare another spreadsheet to gain more information or even try on your wedding dress in order to plan your perfect wedding. Basically the day to day action points which need to be handled to make the necessary steps in a project which are relatively easy. Usually a lot of time and effort are taken into these actions points, the functional layer in a project. 


Process Layer 

This is the more complex layer, because also here action point need to be taken, but are usually harder. Mostly there are a number of different actions needed, done by several project members in a certain time in order to make this process layers a success. Some difficult decisions need to be made as well. With this layer is also meant a procedural change, or a workflow change. For instance sales invoices usually prepared by the warehouse department (for shipping this document with the good) are in the new situation prepared by the financial department. Or production planning is done in a certain kind of ICT system and the organization decided to do in an improved ICT system with different way of planning. As you can understand more complex actions are needed. 


Behavior Layer

With the last layer "behavior" is meant the attitude, acceptance and mindset change of people or a group of people within the project or organization. These kind of changes can be show stoppers during a project. Sometimes it takes years before people are comfortable working in a new ICT system, having to report to another manager or follow new procedures. For instance I have come across operators who needed to buckle up on their forklift truck, but this wasn't mandatory for the last 25 years of his carriers. What happened was that this procedural change took time, persuasion and effort to change. 



Another example to make these layers explanation clearer, for a soccer manager changing a position of a field player or changing the field player is relatively easy and is called in this theory the functional change. It becomes more complex changing his system from the strategy of a long ball to attacking with ground play, the process layer. The most difficult change will be the mindset change of the team from being defensive towards playing offensive. Maybe easy for one or two players to do so, but more difficult when a entire team which never played in that way and effectively play this way. 


All these different layers need to be addressed during a project, no matter how big or small the project is. It is easy to focus on the functional changes and process changes, because they are relatively easy to address and take actions on. The behavior layer is always the most difficult one to address, because it is hard to change the mindset op people although there are techniques in doing this. I have can across a number of project where this wasn’t addressed properly, which caused a lot of hard work being done for nothing.

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